Adventures · Projects · RV Living

My Succulent Garden

I’m exhausted!!! For the past 2 1/2 weeks I have been living out of my suitcase – literally!  Long story but the lesson is to ALWAYS talk to the KOA manager if you want to confirm your reservation!  There was no room at the Inn for the first part of August so I had to leave the KOA for a couple of weeks until a spot opened up.  I took the opportunity to have some work done on Athena and managed to stay with my sister in Spokane, my brother and a friend of mine… and of course a vacation in Minneapolis.  It was kind of fun until the last day – and then I was just anxious to be settled again and surrounded by my own things.

So, I’m back now and I will give the KOA kudos for putting me in a much better spot!  I have huge shade trees on both sides of me and I’m even closer to the walking trail!!  All is good in my world.

I have to talk about my latest obsession:  succulents!  Yes, those little cacti looking plants!  I saw some starter succulents at the farmers market not too long ago and regretted not picking up a few.  I don’t know what triggered it, but I just thought they were the coolest looking plants!  I guess I didn’t pick them up because I’m really not a plant person and was afraid I would kill them.  But after reading about how easy they are to care for I started to give them a second thought.

My sister has a bird bath in her back yard which is filled with Hens & chicks.  A friend had given her one a few years ago and she said she “stuck it in the bird bath” and forgot about it.  I wish I had a picture because the bird bath is now overflowing with Hens and chicks succulents  I mentioned my obsession to my brother-in-law while I was staying at his house and even he has a succulent garden!

To start my succulent garden I took a few hens & chicks and planted them, along with some other succulents I found at a local nursery in these orphaned sugar and creamer holders that I’ve been unintentionally collecting.  I pick them up for their color (I love all things aqua) and use them to hold various things like paperclips, etc.  Then the other day I found this orange teapot at the Goodwill store and voila – instant succulent garden for Athena!


I got a little carried away and bought too many succulents for my little containers, so I put the rest in a bigger pot and, if I can keep them alive, I’ll try to swap a few with my brother-in-law and sister.  (the blooming looking plant on the far left is the Hens & Chicks from my sister’s bird bath).


If you are curious about these plants I have started a Succulent Garden Pinterest Board here.  I dare you to scroll through and not think these plants are gorgeous!